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Thursday, September 9, 2010

I'm A bad Lib

I am a bad liberal. I mean i like to believe I'm a liberal. I'm kind to people and animals. I think there should be a social safety net for those that need it. I honestly believe that people are more important than things. I'm just not a pussy. I remember when hippies used to believe in things so hard they would actually do something about it. I'm not really sure where to be a liberal you had to be all huggy feeley, wouldn't it be nice if everybody was nice bullshit. i blame Alan Alda. We are so fucking PC anymore that we are afraid of our own shadows. " oh i don't want to offend someone", well ya know what fuck you. I do want to offend someone. I do want people to know that I won't be fucked with.

I believe in the death penalty. if you fuck with a child, game over. your out of quarters. Your not going to get better in prison. your not going to make amends. Your wiring is fucked up and you need to get sent to the back of the evolutionary line. Just as I have put down animals that were vicious. I will gladly do that to people that are. so i'm a bad lib.

While i am against the current wars. Im not totally against war. I don't like the way war is done. why do we need 100k people to go over there? Didn't shock and awe prove our point? We used it on the wrong people in the wrong country, We should have done it to the hills the baddies were living in in Afghanistan. We don't need ground troops. If you fly a plane into our building, then we get to nuke you til you glow and shoot you in the dark. So again I'm a bad lib.

I believe children should be spanked. No i don't think you should go around on Saturdays smacking em around walmart, But yes sometimes a spanking is needed. i got em. i wasn't abused. but if i did something so bad that i needed it wake up. yes i would get them. I would be sent to my room. it would be a formal thing. my dad would take off his belt and spank me. Afterwords there would be a hug and forgiveness, but i knew what i had done wrong and what the punishment was for. the debate about whether or not i turned out OK will have to be held someplace else and we should probably pack a lunch. but the wishy washy moms that spend more time yelling at their kids than they do teaching them is my best defense. so I'm a bad lib

While I support my country and voted for Obama. I'm not some obababot that speaks about him in reverent tones. The guy is a politician. His own self interest will always come before that of the country. he is human. he has proven that he is a balless wonder. He is happy with half a loaf and expects all us touchy feely libs to be just as happy. I'm constantly amazed at how many of my "good" liberal friends are thrilled with the loaf they get. Well fuck that. I want a whole loaf. i want a social safety net with teeth. I want a finance reform that actually reforms fucking finance. I want DADT repealed. I want the things i voted for him to do to be done. I want him to come out and say , look this is what i want done and of they don't get done then im not the man for the job. thanks for the cake, see ya. What i don't want and what i didn't vote for was a smiling pussy that is so afraid of fucking up as the first black president he is willing to give up a chance at becoming A great president.
So yeah im a bad lib. I don't follow blindly any idiology. I wish that i could love all my fellow man, but the first one that fucks with my family better come armed and be willing to die.

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