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Friday, October 29, 2010

Have a nice day!

As i was driving to work today I stopped to think and didnt start up again until was making the turn into my shop. I know I must have been paying some attention to my driving. There are curves and lights and pedestrians. Yet i don't remember the drive. I'm hoping there were no sirens because I didn't notice them either. this is a real thing Highway hypnosis, look it up. In a great cosmic coincidence what i stopped to think about was I seem to do the same thing with my life. I travel through it hypnotized by the mundane minutia of living i forget to notice the actual life.

We get so caught up in the day to day business of getting through those days we forget to notice the moments that make up those days. We run on auto pilot. We as humans have trained ourselves to avoid boredom at any cost. We concentrate on the next thing so much we miss the thing thats happening now. By doing that we also miss the little things that matter. Sure we get fired up about the big things. Those thing with enough inertia to get through the boredom shields we have built. elections, celebrity scandals. those we will take out time to notice. And for that moment, that tiny piece of our lives something matters, but hey Ive got things to do so i have to step back into the life highway.

I did another post on here where i said some things should matter. I was talking about dead puppies because hey thats always a fun thing to read. But besides dead puppies. things should matter. the little things we see everyday that are running smoothly we don't notice. we get complacent when lifes not all kinds of fucked up and miss what at the end of the day is the only thing that does matter. next time you say to someone the words "I love you" switch off the auto pilot and see what those words mean. we say those words to people we love by rote. If you get one back than everything's ok and you can go about your business. but consider the weight of those words. what they mean is far more important than "have a nice day". yet we say them in the same way. to offer someone your love, your most precious gift is important. it says Im on your side. It says I am not longer an i and am now and forever offering you an us. it says no matter where you go, no matter how hypnotized by life you get you will never be truly alone. so say them with care, but say them often just take a moment to notice them for what they are.

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