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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Inlaw saga. it begins

you hear about how it never really hits you until the cell door slams. How in that moment it becomes real. But thats just words. you don't know the feel of pressing your face against the cold metal as you hear the noises of the prison as the lights go down. The sounds of hysterical laughter and crying and men masturbating themselves to sleep. you press against the door designed to keep you in and thank god that its there at least for now to keep others out. the sheer terror of thinking about tomorrow, or yesterday. the past cant be changed the future cant be controlled. you immerse yourself into the constant now. Now is all that matters. every moment filling your mind with change. no past no future just now. now is real. the door is real. this is all that matters. then you hear it. behind you. your not alone in the cell. now is shattered into a million tiny fragments of what ifs. filled with terror you turn ans there in the monochrome light that comes from nowhere but illuminates everything. the light of nightmares you see them... the dreaded In-laws

you wake up with a scream. thank god its not real. it was only a dream. im in my own bed . but then the alarm clock of reality hits you. the In laws ar actually coming. they will be here in days. and in a futile attempt you try to get back to sleep and find the dream because prison wasnt really all that bad.

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